Machine Embroidered Gifts For All!

My name is Rebecca Dellinger. I am 39 years old and have been married for 15 years. I opened an Etsy shop in September of 2012 making hair bows and accessories. This was to make a little cash while keeping my sanity as a mother to three small children. My husband was an active duty Marine so it was important to us that I was a stay at home mom. I eventually attempted to make key chains as well but I never put much effort into my business in the beginning as I was more focused on being a mom. In 2014 I bought my first embroidery machine and taught myself how to make the many items you see today. It was initially just a new craft that I wanted to try but I fell in love with making In-the-hoop machine embroidery items. Much of the machine embroidery field is focused on clothing and personalizing bags. I enjoyed making accessories and gifts for all ages. After my husband was done with the Marine Corps we struggled a bit and made the decision to move to our home state of PA. It was here that I was given a greater opportunity with having family close by that I took the steps needed to put more effort into my business. In July of 2017, I started attending local craft shows at fire halls and charity events. I meet some amazing people and they helped me attain the legal papers needed and made it official in February of 2018. I do not have a business background or college courses to show me how to do things right, so at this point, it has been just me learning from others on how the craft/business world works.

I take great pride in what I make and what I sell and it doesn't matter if it's a small key chain or an elaborate gift made from a customer's family heirloom. I put my all into each item. My main focus of items is making holders for lip balms and hand sanitizers, Hooded bath towels to mainly fit kids but also larger sizes for adults, reading themed pillows with pockets, and washable doodle dolls. This only a small amount of items that I make but these are definitely my most popular. Online sales are very minimal at this time as I have not put much focus on it. Lately, I have been focused on local craft shows and taking custom orders through people I meet.

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